Share your input on priorities for Spinal Cord Injury Ontario’s new strategic plan.
You’re invited to participate in an online survey to share your input and help create a shared vision for the future.
SCIO is undertaking a strategic planning process to identify critical challenges and opportunities for the next few years. We want to take this opportunity to understand your perspectives on Spinal Cord Injury Ontario and learn about the challenges and opportunities that may arise in the next few years.
We are looking to receive your input by Friday September 9, 2022. Click here to provide input.
[maxbutton id=”37″ url=”” text=”Take The Survey” ]
How long will it take to provide my input?
It will take approximately 10-12 minutes to complete this survey. You may skip questions that don’t apply.
What will you do with my responses?
Your participation in this survey is voluntary and your responses are confidential. Your input will be collected by Overlap Associates on behalf of Spinal Cord Injury Ontario and will be presented as themes and patterns across responses, and that does not identify you as an individual.
What should I do if I have any issues with the survey?
If you have any questions or technical issues, please send an email to Rania Ahmed at [email protected].
Please also get in touch with Rania if you have any access or accessibility needs to ensure we can help make the session more comfortable for you.