Sponsorship & Advertising

Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for considering Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCIO) as your partner. Our sponsorship and advertising opportunities are designed to offer meaningful engagement and visibility for our sponsors and advertisers, while supporting our critical mission to empower and connect the community of individuals living with spinal cord injuries and other disabilities.

Sponsorship & Advertising at SCIO FAQ

This FAQ aims to address common inquiries about our sponsorship and advertising options, ensuring transparency and clarity so that you can make informed decisions. Below, you will find detailed answers about the specifics of banner placements, logo inclusions, sponsored content, and other aspects of partnering with us. Each sponsorship or advertising format is tailored to create the most impact and aligns with our ongoing commitment to promoting inclusivity and accessibility.

If you have any more specific questions or need further details, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. We are here to help you find the best way to collaborate with SCIO and make a positive impact together.

We will work with you to create a customized corporate engagement plan, which can include sponsorships, cause-related marketing programs, participation in fundraising events, corporate and employee volunteering, and workplace giving.

As a small grass roots non-profit, we guarantee that your corporate participation will have great impact for people living with a spinal cord injury in your community and across the province, and satisfy your business partnership needs.

  • How many placements are available?
    A maximum of 5 home page banners per year.
  • Are placements static or do they rotate?
    Logo placements are static above the footer of the home page.
  • Logo specifications:
    Logo should fit within a 16:9 ratio box. Example pixel dimensions: 600 x 338 /1200 x 676
  • Is sector exclusivity available?
    No, SCIO does not promise sector exclusivity for sponsorship.
  • How many logos are listed along the side and on what pages?
    On the Life with a Mobility Disability page and Topics Pages we will have 1 sponsor and no more than 2 advertisers per page, first come first served. Platinum sponsors pick their logo placement for 12 months (as long as it’s not already gone).
  • How do the Voices Blogs work?
    SCIO drafts a custom blog on a topic related to the sponsor’s expertise. This can be a new blog or a revised existing blog. The topic must be relevant to our community and the sponsor must be a relevant subject matter expert. The blog lives on the SCIO website with the sponsor logo into the future. 
  • What is/isn’t off limits?
    All health-related, secondary complications of SCI pages/topics are off limits for Platinum sponsors, unless they are a clinical partner. Also off limits are “thank you” blogs about the sponsor. Sponsor thank you posts will be on SCIO social media channels.
  • Can anyone be in this list?
    Yes, as long as there is a connection to the disability community.
  • Do people pay to get their name higher?
    Not at this time.
  • Is “preferred status” included in Premiere sponsorship?
  • Sponsorship of a webpage:
    Webpage content, associated approved images, logos and any related brand guidelines required within 30 to 60 days (this is a range, we should indicate a singular number depending on the sponsor and your relationship with them, we can include a line that extensions may be granted if a request is submitted in writing and approved within the initial timeframe indicated).
  • ‘One Year Term’
    The earlier of: one year from page live date or 14 months from agreement sign-off 
  • Timeframe for page creation for MarComm
    30 days from content delivery unless otherwise specified (based on page criteria i.e., the more complex the needs, the greater the need to evaluate the timeline)

Time of campaign is dependent on social media calendar availability, and MarComm should be consulted on timelines to ensure there are no other campaigns or conflicting sponsorship deliverables due at the same time.

  • Channel will dictate audience and tone
  • Sponsor to provide handles and hashtags, to provide any content as indicated per the agreement, including their logos, any requested imagery, brand standards, information on approval process.
  • Content must be provided at minimum 60 days prior to campaign/post publication date OR within 30 days of signed agreement (which ever is more reasonable – this will depend again on the sponsor and relationship manager; we just ask that clear deadlines are communicated upfront to both the sponsor and the MarComm team.

All images/video, if provided by the sponsor, need to ensure they have the correct permissions/trademarks/copyrights to use the content.

All documents/content/images provided must be in an assessable format.

  • Video must come with close captioning (we can add it but we charge for it)
  • Images with the correct alt text
  • Pdfs must be accessible/remediated

It is the relationships manager’s role to prove all relevant information for the execution of the sponsorship deliverables, MarComm is not responsible for contacting sponsors unless there has been an agreement between MarComm and the relationship manager that states otherwise.


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