This month, we’re Rolling Through Barriers! Here’s 5 ways to get involved and help build an accessible future.
1. Register to Participate
This September, we invite you to join us as we rally our community to roll through and honour the strength and innovation of people with disabilities.
[maxbutton id=”20″ url=”” text=”REGISTER NOW” ]
2. Create a Video
How have you experienced barriers in your life? What obstacles impact your daily living? Share your lived experience by creating a simple video.
[maxbutton id=”20″ url=”” text=”SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCE” ]
3. Share RTB Content
We’ve created a toolbox of media that you can share on your social feeds. Every share matters and shines a light on accessibility issues.
[maxbutton id=”20″ url=”” text=”CHECK OUT THE TOOLBOX” ]
4. Challenge Your Family + Friends
Start a personal fundraising page or join a team. Inspire your friends and family to donate to the campaign.
[maxbutton id=”20″ url=”” text=”CREATE YOUR PAGE” ]
5. Donate
Show your support and commitment to accessibility by making a personal donation to the Rolling Through Barriers campaign.
[maxbutton id=”20″ url=”″ text=”DONATE NOW” ]