Modifying your vehicle so it suits your accessibility needs can be a very empowering process. Being in control of your transportation is freeing, can help reconnect you with your passions and much more. This is why many people with SCIs drive, however, the vehicles, routines, and feelings of being behind the wheel are different and nuanced.
Our Peer Connections program held a Vehicle Modification Fair to shed light on the task of driving while living with an SCI. On June 21st, staff and peers of SCIO met to discuss and review their options for vehicle modification. The experts, vendors and drivers of modified vehicles met at Lyndhurst Centre to display their cars and trucks, answer questions and suggest the right vehicle for specific needs and budgets.
At Peer Connections workshops, participants learn from the lives of others. With an activity as complicated as driving, it is great to have experienced, trusted individuals on hand to answer specific questions. Toronto Rehab has an iDAPT Driverlab some may have used; however, the event connected SCIO clients to individuals with lived-experience driving on open roads.
We thank everyone who attended, and if you couldn’t make this event, we very frequently have Peer Connection events all over the province!