Email Template Draft

The purpose of the SAMPLE email draft(s) below are for you to edit, adapt and use to connect with your network. Prior to sending out an email for fundraising purposes, we recommend first having an introductory conversation first. You can find some of the key messages crafted for this campaign here.

Please feel free to make these messages your own. Below you will find 3 drafts that we encourage you to personalize.




Intro Email Sample




General Email Sample




Wealth Protection Sample Email



DRAFT 1: Intro Email Sample

Dear [insert name] or Hello [insert name],

I hope this message finds you and yours well.

I’m not sure if you are aware, I am a volunteer on the Advocacy Campaign Committee of Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCIO). I am incredibly proud to be involved with this organization. They have been working tirelessly for 75 years to deliver and champion excellence in service, support, and advocacy for and with people with spinal cord injury. So many advances have been made, yet still Canadians with disabilities fall through many gaps in the healthcare and social assistance systems – their basic human rights to live as full citizens with safety, dignity and independence are being neglected and violated.

  • People suffer physically, mentally, and emotionally from a lack of access to medical supplies, assistive devices, and basic healthcare needs.
  • Inadequate funding programs for basic equipment result in barriers to daily activities, health complications often leading to avoidable hospitalizations as well as strong feelings of isolation that impact mental health and well-being.
  • Basic accessibility to public spaces is still limited, resulting in exclusion and a lack of participation in social activities that help people thrive.

The answer to these problems is systemic change – we need to influence the will of our political leaders and policy makers. I am asking for your help to bring the needs of people with spinal cord injury and other physical disabilities to the political forefront. Let’s convince the government that they have the responsibility to close these gaps and bring equity and inclusion to disabled Canadians.

At SCIO, we have an assertive goal to raise $100,000 by March 31st, 2022. I am asking you to help us meet this goal and address these problems now.  Your donation will enable SCIO to build a team of 500 experts and volunteers over the next three years to advocate for tangible, viable, meaningful solutions to the problems facing people with spinal cord injury.  These solutions will benefit the greater disability community and will have a positive impact on the provincial health care system by preventing hospitalizations. Perhaps most importantly, these solutions will enable fuller inclusion in society for people with disabilities.

To support this vital work, we will need to develop solid communications infrastructure and provide organizational leadership and direction. To build our advocacy capacity we will need your help to fund:

  • Recruitment and training materials
  • Website development and ongoing content maintenance
  • Continuous content development and management of social media and traditional communications channels
  • Staff – recruiters, trainers, volunteer management, communications professionals, and advocacy leadership.

I am inviting you to join us in this quest to improve the lives of Canadians with physical disabilities. I respectfully ask you to consider a gift of [$5000 or $10,000]. This gift will have great impact on a person living with the daily challenges of a spinal cord injury.

Giving is simple. Click on the link to our Advocacy Campaign donation page here. Be proud of the part that you are playing.

If you want to learn more about the importance and impact of SCIO’s work, check out these powerful stories:

I would be delighted to talk to you about the campaign and about SCIO; please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your consideration.


[Insert name & signature file for contact information]

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DRAFT 2: General Email Sample

Dear [insert name],

You may be familiar with Spinal Cord Injury Ontario – I am supporting their important cause to help them deliver programs and services that help people with spinal cord injuries and other disabilities – many are falling through the cracks of the health and support system, having their basic human rights violated, and require urgent help to live their lives with dignity and independence.

  • People suffer physically, mentally and emotionally from a lack of access to medical supplies, assistive devices and basic health care needs.
  • Gaps in funding programs for basic equipment result in health complications requiring hospitalization, barriers in daily activities and strong feelings of isolation that impact mental health and wellbeing.
  • Accessibility to public spaces is limited, resulting in exclusion and a lack of participation in social activities that help people thrive.

SCIO needs help to build greater capacity to engage the government and key decision makers and bring the needs of people with SCI and other disabilities to the forefront.

Would you be willing to be a change maker and donate? A gift of {$5,000, $10,000, ##,###} can make lasting change by contributing to SCIO advocacy efforts, and more importantly impact the lives of people adjusting to a disability.

To donate, simply click the link to our Advocacy campaign donation page.

It would also be helpful if you could share my fundraiser link on social media to get the word out and help me reach my target faster.

To learn more about the importance of SCIO’s work, here are some stories to check out:

It Takes a Village to Save a Life
Lifting his Spirits
Pee4Free – The High Cost of Catheters

I am happy to connect with you to talk about my campaign efforts, so please feel free to reach out.

Thanks for your time and have a terrific day!

[Your name]

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DRAFT 3: Wealth Protection Sample Email 

Dear [insert name] or Hello [insert name],

I hope this message finds you and yours well.

I respect that you have worked hard for you and your family; I know that your assets are worth protecting. I also know you to be a thoughtful and compassionate person. So, I wanted to bring to your attention a way to protect your wealth while honouring your values. You can benefit from charitable giving and save money on your taxes by donating to a worthwhile charity – one like Spinal Cord Injury Ontario (SCIO).

Your donation can greatly impact a client who has had a devastating and life-altering illness or injury. SCIO connects them with essential information, services, and equipment. Not only is SCIO doing great work helping individuals living from a wheelchair, but it is working hard to create systemic change that will provide greater access to mobility equipment, medical supplies, and health care. These changes bring with them the additional benefit of keeping people out of hospitals, thus reducing the burden of preventable illness on the health care system.

By making a generous donation of [$5,000 – $10,000], you will save through the Charitable Donation Tax Credit while helping an Ontarian who is facing the greatest challenge of their life. You will be giving them access to invaluable support. Please give generously – a spinal cord injury can happen to anyone.

I am happy to connect with you to talk about my campaign efforts, so please feel free to reach out.

Warm regards,

[insert name]

P.S. For more info on giving or information on making a gift of stock please contact Ari Wahl, Director of Development, SCIO [email protected] 1-647-233-5124.

To learn more about the importance of SCIO’s work, and the impact you can have on a life, here are some stories to check out:

It Takes a Village to Save a Life
Lifting his Spirits
Pee4Free – The High Cost of Catheters

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