Key Messages & Talking Points

The information below are some key messaging and talking points that can be used when initiating conversations with your friends, family, and professional networks. This will be updated regularly with more tips, suggestions, and recommendations.


  • Who you are and why you are fundraising for SCIO.
  • Short background on SCIO and the work they do to help people with SCI and disabilities live independent, meaningful lives with dignity after sustaining life-changing injuries.

Purpose for Fundraising:

Talk about the key challenges that people with SCI and disabilities face:

  • The pandemic has exposed the barriers that people with SCI and disabilities continue to face.
  • Disability issues are not being prioritized at the government level.
  • People are suffering physically, mentally and emotionally from a lack of access to equipment, devices and basic healthcare needs.
    • Catheters cost up to $2500 a month and are not covered.
    • Many people can’t afford to cover the cost of mobility devices as they are only partially funded through government programs.
    • People with SCI are often hospitalized for pressure injuries that can be alleviated with equipment that is not currently covered; the government ends up spending more money for health care in the long-run.
  • A lack of accessibility in the community leads to exclusion and lack of participation in social activities that help people thrive.
  • People with SCI and disabilities have their human rights violated, often without resolution.


  • SCIO specializes in helping people rebuild their lives after sustaining SCI and are equipped to address key disability issues with your help.
  • SCIO needs to build greater capacity to engage the government and key decision makers. We need to generate an expansion of 500 new activists in every provincial electoral riding to have a strong presence during the next provincial election.
  • The advocacy department needs to be expanded to tackle policy change and government relations strategies that are important to our community.

Call to Action:

  • Steps to follow in order to make a donation.
  • Request for fundraising link to be shared across social media to generate more awareness/knowledge about the campaign.

>> Click here to download in a Word document. 


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