
Holiday Support

We are passionate about supporting our community. This includes our dedicated staff that have spent this past year supporting our community. To help them recharge their batteries during the holiday season we will be closing all our offices, home and otherwise to spend much needed time with friends and family. We will be shut down from December 26th and reopening January 9th. During this time you can still;

  • Continue to support our work through donations. Online donations made before 11:59:59 PM December 31st and mailed donations postmarked December 31st or earlier will receive a 2022 receipt. We can also take donations over the phone during this time. Please leave a message at 1-877-422-1112 ext. 101 and someone will get back to you shortly.
  • Make a referral for yourself or someone you know with an SCI or mobility issue that needs support.
  • Visit our website for valuable information and resources including Living with an SCI pages.
  • Read our newest edition of Community Magazine.
  • Check out a new course on Cortree or catch up on CortreeTV! If you don’t already have access to Cortree and register during our holiday closure, please watch for your Welcome to Cortree email after January 9th.
  • Check out our Upcoming Events and make plans for the new year.

Wishing our SCIO community a safe and enjoyable holiday season.


Not sure how we can help? Looking for answers? Complete the form below of email us at [email protected]

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Just say “Yes! Sign me up!” and you can improve accessibility in Ontario and help us serve, support and advocate for and with people with spinal cord injury and other disabilities.

There really is strength in numbers.

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A Marketing and Communications team member will follow up shortly to coordinate promotion.