Supporters & Partners
Better together
We appreciate the support of organizations that share our vision for a more equitable and inclusive Ontario, some of which are represented below. In addition to individual contributors, these supporters and partners provide financial or in-kind donations to help us reach our goals for those living with spinal cord injury by supporting programs and special initiatives. We all become stronger in the process.
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Program Partners

Charity and foundation partners

Partner spotlight
Corporate Partner: Bergeron|Clifford LLP: Personal Injury Lawyers
Since 2009, Bergeron|Clifford LLP has been the SCIO Peer Program sponsor in the Kingston Region and in 2021 they expanded their generous support to become the Peer Program Sponsor in the Ottawa Region as well. Their unwavering support in the Kingston Region has grown this program to the extent that our Kingston program has taken on a flagship status regarding program participation. It is a grand example of the power of predictable program funding.
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Our SCIO Connect Peer Program has been a key piece of our work in the spinal cord injury community for decades. This program matches people who are newly injured, to people who have lived experience with a spinal cord injury, and understand the challenges involved in moving from injury, to rehab, and back to the community. Through a series of Peer Connections Workshops (now being offered virtually) our clients learn about topics as diverse as bowel and bladder care, vehicle, and home modification, choosing a wheelchair, and finances. The other element of SCIO Connect is one-on-one peer mentorship; our trained, volunteer mentors share their personal experiences, knowledge, and important life-learning.
The award-winning team at Bergeron|Clifford provides personal injury law services in Kingston, Ottawa, Perth, and Carleton Place. They are highly experienced with cases involving spinal cord injury. They help their clients understand all aspects of the personal injury process including insurance benefits, disability, fault, and what can be expected as a claim progresses.
In a classic corporate partnership such as this, sponsors can expect a customized package of marketing opportunities including logo placement on all Peer Program materials and event invitations, recognition in Community magazine in both articles and ads (print and web versions), as well as posts on our various social media channels. As our Peer Program sponsor, Bergeron|Clifford has the opportunity to provide the content for a Connections Workshop, and the door is open for them to attend any SCIO Connect event that is taking place in their region (and they always walk through with a smile on their face).
Bergeron|Clifford is just one of the valued partners that contribute to the fabric of the SCIO community, and we are very grateful for their support.
Charity and Foundation Partner: Bourassa Savaria Foundation
In 2020, the Bourassa Savaria Foundation became our Founding Sponsor for the SCIO Connect Family Peer Program. This long-awaited expansion of our hallmark Peer Program combines peer mentorship and information workshops for family members of people with spinal cord injury to facilitate coping, support, and empowerment. Topics covered include: coping with loss and grief, relationship changes, stress management and communication, self-care, and navigation of the medical and funding systems.
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The Bourassa Savaria Foundation was created in 2014 to support people facing mobility challenges. It was founded by Marcel Bourassa, President and CEO of Savaria Corporation. The Foundation is funded by the personal contributions of Mr. Bourassa and contributions from the Savaria Corporation. Savaria is a global leader in accessibility manufacturing products that help people maintain their personal mobility – whether in the home, a public space, or a vehicle.
There are thousands of Canadians facing the day-to-day challenge of basic mobility due to disease, aging or injury. Enjoying the freedom to travel, work or participate in sport is made more difficult for people in wheelchairs. The Bourassa Savaria Foundation aims to provide financial assistance to in-need Canadians with disabilities related to physical mobility.
This partnership is typical of our relationships with foundations and charities. As their goal is predominantly philanthropic, recognition of the support often is in the form of logo recognition – in this case all materials used support and promote the Family Peer Program across the province bear the Bourassa Savaria Foundation logo. We have highlighted their sponsorship in a Community magazine article (print and web versions) and as with all of our partners, they are able to use our Supporters of SCIO logo for their purposes. We provide an annual reporting of the productivity of the grant.
SCIO is incredibly grateful for this opportunity to partner with the Bourassa Savaria Foundation to build this pivotal addition to our client program offerings.