Accessible Employment Services: Changing attitudes about accommodations in the workplace

Changing attitudes about accommodations in the workplace

Changing attitudes about accommodations in the workplace- Melody’s story. When workplaces are accessible to everyone, they foster a culture of diversity and equality and harness the unique skills and perspectives that individuals with disabilities bring. SCIO Accessible Employment Services client Melody shares her experiences as a job seeker trying to find work. With a stellar […]

Peer Connections: Managing Shoulder Pain

Managing Shoulder Pain Shoulder pain can greatly impact one’s quality of life. Using your arms to get around, transferring to and from your wheelchair, and general daily use, can result in a lot of wear and tear on your shoulders over the years. There are many ways to deal with shoulder health and continue to […]

Accessible Employment Services: Judy’ Journey


For over 40 years, the Accessible Employment Services team has been fostering connections between job seekers and employers who prioritize accessible work environments. Discovering meaningful and accessible employment is a journey and everyone’s journey is unique.  Judy shares her journey and the support AES provided during her transition. Judy’s Journey Throughout the year, I serve […]

Peer Connections: Push and Carry On

Push and Carry On Join SCIO-Ottawa for its first in-person Peer Connections since 2019! This inaugural event promises to be engaging by providing a unique opportunity for community members to connect and share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences of living with a spinal cord injury following a short screening of Canadian TV series “Push.” Date:  […]

Back to School : Accessibility Plans 101

Are you heading back to the classroom this fall? Universities and Colleges all have Accessibility Services departments for students to prepare for the duration of their studies. This first step begins with connecting with the accessibility coordinator to determine the process to ensure accommodations are in place. Often during the first initial meeting and throughout […]


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