Jake's story

When I sustained my spinal cord injury in 2017, I had a visit from a Spinal Cord Injury Ontario peer mentor within a few days of my surgery.

At the time, I wanted little to do with what the peer mentor had to say because I refused to come to terms with my disability. Like all other obstacles in my life, I was going to make every attempt to overcome this injury.

Needless to say my efforts were in vain as my paralysis was permanent due to the complexity of my injury and of the spinal cord itself. It took me a few months to realize the impact my peer mentor actually had on my recovery.

Through my ignorance I was viewing their guidance as a sign of giving up when in fact what my peer mentor was actually doing was preparing me for the inevitable. My peer mentor kept coming in for visits throughout my recovery and helped me realize that life was far from over and there were many ways to look at my spinal cord injury. It could be a death sentence, a curse, or I could simply accept it and move on. I chose the latter and have since connected with some amazing people, peer groups, staff, and other members of the Spinal Cord Injury Ontario community.

I have come to the realization that I am not just a number in an organization, I have been adopted into a massive new family. The resources, peer group, events, and overall inclusion into their efforts have propelled me into this next chapter in my life. Life being the operative word. Thanks for all that you have done and continue to do.

Yours most sincerely,
