Ways to Give
Support the next recovery
Your gift will make certain that essential programs and services are available to the 36,000 people in Ontario who are on one of the most challenging journeys anyone can experience.
Toronto ON
M4G 3V9
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[email protected]
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Sponsor + partner
We are stronger when we work together. Let us show you how supporting and partnering with Spinal Cord Injury Ontario is good for business.
Tax smart giving
A gift in your Will, a gift of an RRSP, stock or life insurance – there are many ways you can make a larger gift than you might have thought possible and significantly decrease you tax burden at the same time.
We Remember
Prior to WW2 the vast majority of soldiers who experienced a spinal cord injury (SCI) did not survive. Those that did, faced a life of institutionalization. Veterans founded an organization to change that — they envisioned a better, healthier, more inclusive life for people with an SCI and fought to make it a reality.
The beginning…
Among the first wave of the brave 5000 Canadians who landed on the shores of Dieppe in August 1942 was John Counsell of the Royal Hamilton Light Infantry. Two hours into the six-hour battle he was shot... read more

Peer Support Program Participant